Thursday, 7 June 2007

Be Free in the Gym!!

Having looked at other peoples blogs their seems to be a debate forming as to whether to train with Machines or with Free Weights. Now this isn't a recent debate, this has been around ever since the first machine entered a gym, and still splits the gym junkies. Now, I'll try and post some pros and con's for both below, but i may be a tad bias as i am 110% in the Free Weights camp! Pros are in Black while Con's are in Red.

Easy to use/Fast, inserting a pin is a lot faster than adding the plates to a bar.
Non Intimidating
Allow a greater amount of weight to be lifted
Can help support injuries, or allow you to train while on the mend.
No need for a spotter, as there is no fear of the weight dropping on you.
Can focus on a particular muscle group exercises like leg extension are hard to reenact with free weights. Machines can also be used to bring a weak body part up to par.
Many Machines have a cam that means the muscle is worked at the same intensity throughout the entire movement of an exercise
You are forced to lift in a singular plane so it's not a "natural" lift which means your muscles are not fully developed.
Machines easily get busy at peak times halting your routine.
Machines can force your body into a bad range of motion if not specifically built/adjusted to your build.
Machines do not build balance and Coordination

Free Weights
Free Weights are versatile 100's more exercises available to you
Motor skills are enhanced as stabilizer muscles are recruited to keep the weight controlled in the 3-D environment
Most Free Weight exercises are compound movements meaning many muscle groups are being recruited, increasing total strength, size and calories burnt
Free wights incorporate "natural" lifts and work your muscles as they are used outside the gym - so great for sport training.
Free Weights are portable and relatively inexpensive
You need to trained and educated before use
Spotter is needed when lifting a new weight for the first time so that you can push to exhaustion without fear
Free Weights allow for cheating if momentum is used to help lift a weight (however some people feel that cheating on the last few reps is beneficial if it means you can squeeze out a few extra reps!)

In my personal opinion, if you are a fit, sensible and dedicated Gym user than Free Weights really are your best option. Plus the clunking of metal, the sweat on the bar the pure primitiveness of it all really makes the workout feel like a workout and gives you a true sense of Alpha Maleness!

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